For Profit Organization of the Year:
Allstate Insurance Company
Nonprofit Organization of the Year:
Delaware Financial Literacy Institute
Government Organization of the Year:
Nevada State Treasurer’s Office
Educator of the Year:
Brian Smith
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Côte-des-Neiges
Education Program of the Year:
Children, Financial Responsibility & Decision Making
Make Your Decisions Count
Game Theory Academy
Education Program of the Year:
Children, General
Young AmeriTowne
Young Americans Center for Financial Education
Education Program of the Year:
Children, Planning & Money Management
Money Management Certification Program
Education Program of the Year:
Adult, Debt Management
iGrad Financial Literacy Program
Education Program of the Year:
Adult, General
Do One Thing Differently
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Education Program of the Year:
Adult, Money Management
Small Steps to Health and Wealth™
Rutgers University
Book of the Year:
Children, General
Money and Teens: Savvy Money Skills
by Wes Karchut and Darby Karchut
Book of the Year:
Adult, General
The Missing Semester
by Gene Natali, Jr. & Matt Kabala
Book of the Year:
Adult, Investing and Retirement Planning
Saving for Retirement
(Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery)
by Gail MarksJarvis
Book of the Year:
Adult, Credit
A Canadian’s Guide to Money-Smart Living
by Kelley Keehn
Book of the Year:
Adult, Money Management
Money Letters 2 My Daughter
by Jackie Cummings Koski
Instructional Game of the Year:
“Staples” Bite Club
Doorway to Dreams Fund